About Me:

I’m Jpmaggers, and I’m producing erotic games for the PC, in-particular “The Repurposing Center”. I have a degree in Computer science, with a masters on the way (fingers crossed). As a hobby I like to write erotic fiction, and, after years of wondering, I’ve finally put my mind to it and started to code erotic games as well. My games, as of now are primarily coded in Twine (Sugarcube).
About “The Repurposing Center”:
“The Repurposing Center” is an interactive erotic fiction about a dystopian not too distant future in which undesirables are carted off the streets by government capture vans so they can be repurposed into something more valuable to society. You find yourself in this very situation, trapped within the facility, being changed both physically and mentally to suit the whims of potential buyers who are your only way out. The game is a sandbox life simulator within “The Repurposing Center” where players will need to partake in work, training and socialization in order to secure themselves a happy ending when they finally place themselves up for auction.
- TFGames: A major site for adult games of a transformation theme, you can find my game posts on ‘The Repurposing Center’ here – https://tfgames.site/index.php?module=viewgame&id=1309
- Patreon: My Patreon page where I post updates and game builds, you can also support my work here – https://www.patreon.com/jpmaggers
- SubscribeStar: My SubscribeStar page where you can see some updates and game builds, you can also support my work here – https://subscribestar.adult/jpmaggers-games
- Foxtalestimes: A major site for ABDL content, you can also find game updates and builds here – https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/foxtalestimes/the-repurposing-center-public-0-4-05-a-chess-cum-s-t852.html
- F95ZONE: A adult gaming forum that also features my game – https://f95zone.to/threads/the-repurposing-center-v0-4-04a-jpmaggers.5730/